Alberto Apostoli
Alberto Apostoli was born in Verona in 1968. After obtaining a diploma in industrial electronics, he graduated in architecture, specialising in “Territorial Planning”, in Venice in 1993, with a thesis on economics. In 1997 he opened his own studio, characterised by a multifaceted professional vocation, a natural consequence of his personal path.
In 2006 he held his first solo exhibition at the European Parliament in Brussels entitled “Contaminated architectures between communication and design”. Also in 2006 he opened a studio in Guangzhou (China) and in 2007 a representative office in Casablanca. In 2010 he developed the engineering area, which provides integrated design and project management services, through the brand “Studio Apostoli & Associati”.
In 2012 he published the book “Architettura delle SPA”, a field in which he is considered an international leader. In 2013 he was appointed president of the Kogit – Italian General Contractor network of companies. Alberto Apostoli combines design with a marketing culture that gives each project a strong innovation.
His projects are published all over the world. He holds conferences, courses and workshops in Italy and abroad on design trends in various fields.